2 cloves garlic, minced
Saute with Olive Oil on medium until slightly translucent
Add 1 1/2 cup dried french/puy lentil
saute 5 minutes (if it's sticking to the pan, add a bit more olive oil)
Add 1 1/2 Tbsp biryani curry paste** and continue to saute till well
and aroma comes out.
For Tapenade:
Add 1 cup chicken stock, 2 cups water
Bring to a boil, then lower heat to low, to simmer for 45 minutes to an
hour, to
desired tenderness/texture, stirring every so often.
Add salt and pepper if desired for extra flavour, to your taste
makes about 3 cups worth.
**can substitute with any other curry paste or powder
Great when served the next day, just heat up with microwave. Eat with
tortilla chips as an appy, it's excellent!
For Soup:
Add additional 1 cup chicken stock, and 1 cup water.